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Lecture by Kirilka Stavreva

5:00 pm
Nebraska Union Room: Heritage Room
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Kirilka Stavreva, from the Department of English at Cornell University, will present a lecture based on her book, Words Like Daggers: Violent Female Speech in Early Modern England. Dramatic and documentary narratives about aggressive and garrulous women often cast such women as reckless and ultimately unsuccessful usurpers of cultural authority. Contending narratives, however, sometimes within the same texts, point to the effective subversion and undoing of the normative restrictions of social and gender hierarchies. Words Like Daggers explores the scolding invectives, malevolent curses, and ecstatic prophesies of early modern women as attested to in legal documents, letters, self-narratives, popular pamphlets, ballads, and dramas of the era. Examining the framing and performance of violent female speech between the 1590s and the 1660s, Kirilka Stavreva dismantles the myth of the silent and obedient women who allegedly populated early modern England.

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