All events are in Central time unless specified.

Canceled: Grad Student Drop-In Spaces for Coping with Burnout

Open Weekly Zoom Chats for Graduate Students

Recurring Date Info:
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Abbey Ragain,
Feeling burned out from trying to navigate school and life during a pandemic? Want to talk about it?

Drop in to chat over Zoom on Monday’s from 7pm-8pm!

This is a no-commitment-required way to find connections and support during this time. Just show up! You can join at any time, and stay for as long as you want within the hour.

These drop-in support spaces are led by a team of your peers that are trained mental health ambassadors to offer space to connect with other students and feel supported.

These spaces are for open, casual conversation about how we are all feeling, changes we wish to see on campus, tips on how we get through the day, and anything you just want to talk about!

All graduate students are welcome.

Download this event to my calendar

This event originated in Well-being Collective.