Morning Coffee Ride
Biking Adventure
7:00 am –
9:00 am
Outdoor Adventures Center
Explore Lincoln, make new friends, and enjoy your morning coffee or tea. This relaxed
This event originated in Outdoor Adventures.
Art Exhibition
From Out There, An Art Exhibition
Recurring Date Info:
8:00 am –
8:00 pm
Nebraska Innovation Campus, 2nd Floor Link
From Out There is a collection of work by artist Chuck Schroeder focused on people, places, critters and things from off the beaten path, stretching from rural western Nebraska to northern New Mexico, west Texas, Wyoming and Italy. This unique …
This event originated in NIC Events Calendar.
Drop-in Flu Shot Clinic for Students
Recurring Date Info:
9:00 am –
12:00 pm
University Health Center Room: 240
Current UNL students can get their free flu shot by attending a drop-in flu shot clinic at the University Health Center.
This event originated in University Health Center.
Husker Vote Coalition Table
11:00 am –
1:00 pm
Link, 1st Floor
The Husker Vote Coalition is a nonpartisan and student-led initiative that aims to increase voter registration, civic engagement, and voter turnout not only at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln, but in the community surrounding it.
This event originated in NIC Events Calendar.
Rural Fellows Student Information Webinar
Everything You Need to Know About Being a Rural Fellow
11:00 am –
12:00 pm
Filley Hall
In this webinar, the Rural Fellows team will cover all the logistics of serving as a Student Fellow in rural Nebraska communities for the summer of 2023. Talking points will include funding, timelines, expectations, outcomes, and the application …
This event originated in Rural Prosperity Nebraska.
Tea Time Friday
Kawasaki Reading Room
Recurring Date Info:
11:00 am –
4:00 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: JGMC 302
Join us each week for tea and snacks!
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .
Big Red Pawp-Up!
Therapy Dogs on Campus
12:00 pm –
1:30 pm
Nebraska East Union
Room: South Core
De-stress and unwind by petting a pup! Certified therapy dogs will be outside of the East Union for students, staff, and faculty to take a pause to pet.
This event originated in Well-being Collective.
Building Inclusive Spaces for Gender Diverse Students
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
In this workshop, you will learn about the different things that you can do as an instructor to build a space that is more welcoming and inclusive of students of all genders. We’ll talk about appropriate terminology, including how to use pronouns …
This event originated in Graduate Studies Dates.
CESRC: Lunch and Learn
Environment, Sustainability, and Resilience Activities at UNL: Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Online via Zoom
Since the adoption of UNL’s Environment, Sustainability, and Resilience (ESR) Master Plan in 2020, progress has been made in a variety of areas towards achieving the aspirational goals outlined in the plan. Results from the ESR Faculty, Staff, and …
This event originated in Sustainability.
IGNITE featuring Paul Vanouse
12:30 pm –
1:50 pm
Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts
Join us for IGNITE to hear from interdisciplinary artist Paul Vanouse, who will be discussing his most recent project, “Labor” (2019), a scent-based bio-media installation which produces the scent of human sweat – not with humans, but with …
This event originated in IGNITE Colloquium.
Drop-in Flu Shot Clinic for Students
Recurring Date Info:
1:00 pm –
4:00 pm
University Health Center Room: 240
Current UNL students can get their free flu shot by attending a drop-in flu shot clinic at the University Health Center.
This event originated in University Health Center.
Rural Fellows Community Information Webinar
Everything You Need to Know About Hosting Students in Your Community
1:00 pm –
2:00 pm
Filley Hall
In this webinar, the Rural Fellows team will cover all the logistics of hosting Student Fellows for rural Nebraska communities in the summer of 2023. Talking points will include funding, timelines, expectations, outcomes, and the application process …
This event originated in Rural Prosperity Nebraska.
Search Process Seminar
1:30 pm –
2:30 pm
Online via Zoom
UNL faculty, staff, and graduate students serving on a search committee are required to attend an educational seminar covering legal issues and university policies and procedures prior to the first meeting of the search committee. Although not …
This event originated in Search Process Seminars.
Well-Being Pop-In
Peer Listening
2:00 pm –
4:00 pm
Knoll Room: 207B
Join Big Red Resilience & Well-Being and the University Honor’s Program at Pop-In Peer Listening Sessions. The goal of these sessions is to provide students with a listening ear, wellness and mindfulness activities, connect with on- and off-campus …
This event originated in Well-being Collective.
Reller Prairie Ribbon Cutting
2:30 pm –
4:30 pm
Reller Prairie Field Station
Please join us in celebrating the CAS Experiential Learning Hub at Reller Prairie. The School of Global Integrative Studies and School of Biological Sciences are pleased to announce that after many months of planning and hard work with our partners …
This event originated in CAS Career Development.
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Stout Lecture
3:30 pm
Bessey Hall
Room: 117
Melissa Breeden, NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory, will present, “Subseasonal Forecasts of Opportunity Identified using a Linear Inverse Model.”
Holiday for Little Huskers
Signup Deadline
5:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Room 340
Holiday for Little Huskers is a program providing gifts and personal items annually to the children of UNL students during the winter holiday season - at no cost to parents.
This event originated in Students with Children.
Little Aksarben
5:00 pm –
9:00 pm
Animal Sciences Complex
Room: Arena
Undergraduate showmanship competition for all experience levels. Species include cattle, pigs, sheep and goats.
This event originated in Block and Bridle.
LIFE IN LINCOLN: Mana Games Cafe
hosted by Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement and International Student and Scholar Office
6:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: The Crib
A weekly series every Friday evening for UNL students to gather and enjoy a nearby activity or tour to sample and learn about the local Lincoln culture, neighborhoods, and people.
This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.
Basketball Skills Challenge
Play begins
7:00 pm
Campus Recreation Center
Room: Coliseum Courts
Entry fee: FREE
This event originated in Intramural Sports.
Ruckman Public Lecture
Celestial Clocks and Ripples in Spacetime
7:30 pm –
8:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Auditorium
We are living in a sea of gravitational waves - ripples in spacetime predicted by Einstein’s General Relativity and observed directly by ground-based detectors over the last few years. Another method on the cusp of making its first observations …
This event originated in Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education.
Night of the Living Drag Show
hosted by LGBTQA+ Center and Spectrum UNL
8:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Centennial Room
Student and community volunteers perform songs in two acts of a Halloween-themed drag show. A short intermission will take place between the acts.
This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.
Ongoing Events
Spin Challenge
All Day
Campus Recreation Center
How many miles can you spin during the month of October?
This event originated in Fitness.
Charting Our Path: Celebrating 50 Years of Black Studies Traveling Exhibit
The exhibit celebrates the 50 years of Black Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, sharing both the triumphs and turbulent history of one of the oldest Black Studies departments in the nation.
All Day
Love Library North & Link
This 4-panel traveling exhibit shares historical snapshots of one of the oldest Black Studies departments in the nation, highlighting debates over curriculum, attempts to downgrade the department to a program, and the mutual engagement between campus …
This event originated in Libraries.