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Information Session

Post-grad Science and Engineering Opportunities in the UK

Hosted by Durham University and Nebraska alumnus David Heller

10:00 am – 11:00 am
Virtual Location: Zoom
Target Audiences:
David Heller ,
The focus of the webinar will be to learn more about postgraduate options for students after they graduate from The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Register through this Microsoft Forms Link and the meeting link will be sent to you directly once you have registered for the event. Webinar organizer David Heller hails from Waterloo, Nebraska and is also an alum of Durham. He would love for more Huskers to experience an international education at a World Top 100 University!

The webinar will cover programs such as our new MSc Biomedical Engineering program, MSc Plant Biotechnology and Enterprise program, and Computer Science programs. Durham University is ranked 5th in the UK for our Department of Engineering, 4th in the UK for our Department of Biosciences, and 4th in the UK for our Department of Computer Science. Hosted by Heller and Alyce Meyers, another International Officer for Durham, and we will have an academic in the Faculty of Science available to answer any program-specific questions. The webinar will include short presentations on each science and engineering program for a total duration of about 30 minutes. The webinar is open to all faculty, staff, and students at your university that may want to learn more about these specific programs.

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This event originated in Global IANR.