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Dogma XR: 360-degree Documentary Workshop

Workshop with Michal Stankiewicz, experience designer and 360 doc filmmaker

10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts Room: 215
1300 Q Street
Lincoln NE 68588
Target Audiences:
Kate Rask, (402) 472-2615,
Have you heard of the avant-garde film movement manifesto Dogma 95?
They broke the rules and looked at film from a different perspective.
Let’s create a new Dogma, this time for the 360-degree canon.

The workshop will aim to present the techniques and tools that give a 360-degree frame and…. how not to use them…. or play with them.

We will start by watching the Dogma VR documentary “Wish You Were Here”, created by the Film School in Lodz, then we will move on to theory and technical equipment. Finally, there will be rehearsals and test shooting. Conceptually, the workshop will be based on theories from theater practice and choreography that can help develop new narrative techniques for 360 films.

Open to filmmakers, theater makers, dancers, and those new to moving images.

In this workshop, you will learn about 360-degree documentary:
- main rules of how to make 360 films
- what equipment is needed
- how to creatively seek new solutions
- you will learn about inspirations from theater and performing arts
- learn about the most talked about 360 documentaries

Michal Stankiewicz is an artist and experience designer with a background in experimental theater. Working across cognitive science and magic, he creates participatory performances, ritual gatherings, and Extended Reality (XR) projects, which mix documentary and fiction. He has participated in numerous theatre and XR festivals, including the Theatre Olympiad, New Delhi, India; AltoFest, Naples, Italy; VRDays, Rotterdam, Netherlands; ZIP-Scene Budapest, Hungary; New Images, Paris, France; and the Venice Film Festival. His project, Being in You, was recently workshopped at the Venice Biennale College Cinema VR and is currently in production.

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