All events are in Central time unless specified.

Featured Events

Monday, March 18


Husker Suit-Up

Recurring Date Info:
12:00 am – 11:55 pm
Target Audiences:
The Husker Suit-Up event, hosted by JCPenney and UNL Career Services, allows students the opportunity to build their professional wardrobe with discounts on career and dress apparel.
This event originated in Career Services.
Information Session

Employer in Residence - Peace Corps

In-Person Information Booth | HLH South Lobby

11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: College of Business | Hawks Hall Room: South Lobby Target Audiences:
Employer Information: The Peace Corps, a U.S. federal agency, brings together skilled, committed Volunteers with welcoming host communities for 27-month service opportunities in more than 60 countries. Volunteers live and work side by side with …
This event originated in Business Career Center.
Information Session

Institute for Defense Analyses: Women in Science & Research

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Virtual Location: Handshake
Target Audiences:
Marking Women’s History Month, this panel of successful women at IDA will showcase the variety of research-based career paths available, plus a window into life post-graduation! Hear personal anecdotes from women across STEM fields, including: …