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LGBTQA+ Housing and Employment Rights

Hosted by the Lincoln Commission on Human Rights

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Nebraska Union Room: Platte River Room South
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Pat Tetreault,
A presentation with a Q & A to learn about LGBTQA+ rights and resources in housing and workplaces in Lincoln NE under Title 11. Title 11 provides protection from discrimination in Lincoln NE that includes protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Refreshments provided.

Presented by Lin Quenzer, Ombudsman and Title VI/ADA Official for the City of Lincoln, and Dr. Pat Tetreault, Director of the Gender and Sexuality Center at UNL.

RSVP by 11/1/23 by emailing

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This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.