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Indigenous Time Management

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity,
You are warmly invited to join Yakama scholar Dr. Michelle M. Jacob as she brings her kind, fierce, and creative approach to academic time management in this webinar! Michelle lovingly engages her Indigenous cultural teachings to lead you through a fun process inviting your deep engagement with three learning outcomes:

1. Comparing different models and philosophies of time management;

2. Inquiring which time management models best nurture and support you in diverse activities and seasons of your life;

3. Considering which communities, beings, places, and activities help you clarify and advance your vision.

To accomplish these fabulous outcomes, Dr. Jacob shares lessons from Yakama storytelling traditions, including:

a) Learning how to be “Smart as a Log”;

b) Engaging the distinction between being “in time” vs. “on time”;

c) Celebrating failure as a generous teacher.

Your participation in this webinar will be a fabulous opportunity to consider and learn from Indigenous teaching and learning methods. Everyone who lives, works, and studies in Indigenous homelands will carry a lesson they can use in their wonderful lives. Centering Indigenous teachings is an important part of justice-based education practice.

Additional Public Info:
This event is offered through the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity and is open to all UNL graduate assistants, faculty, and staff. Please use your email address when registering.

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