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Food Microbiology Workshop [Registration Required]

Food Processing Center

All Day
Food Innovation Center
1901 N 21st Street
Lincoln NE 68508
Jill Gifford, (402) 472-2819,
The purpose of this workshop is to provide basic food microbiology training to those individuals working in testing laboratories but have no formal training in microbiology.
The workshop provides an excellent training program for individuals involved in food microbiology testing at all levels from the bench to lab supervisors and directors.

The Food Microbiology Workshop provides training in the basics of microbiological testing methods commonly used by the food industry - such as detection, enumeration, isolation, and identification of pathogens.

The workshop is delivered in both the classroom and laboratory environments and includes fundamental principles, demonstrations, and hands-on sessions covering general microbiology and pathogen detection. Attendees will acquire an understanding of the methods used to isolate important spoilage and indicator microorganisms along with a variety of techniques utilized for food-borne pathogen detection.

The workshop also provides curriculum on the ecology of microorganisms and pathogens in foods, and what measures are used to prevent their growth. The importance of using validated testing methods will be discussed during the workshop.

The fee for this 3-day workshop which includes, 3 lunches, break refreshments, workshop notebook and all lab supplies are $900 per person. Nebraska companies may be eligible for funding assistance through Nebraska Workforce Development.

Registration ends March 1, 2019.

To register, and for more information please visit:

Additional Public Info:
All participants must pre-register. Walk-ins cannot be accommodated!

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