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Environmental Monitoring - Hands-On Training Workshop [Registration Required]

Presented by the Food Processing Center and Merieux NutriSciences

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Food Innovation Center
1901 N 21st Street
Lincoln NE 68508
Jill Gifford, (402) 472-2819,
Understanding the microbial condition of your plant is key to the overall success of your food system. The Food Processing Center and Merieux NutriSciences have teamed together to provide a unique training opportunity. Together they will provide classroom instruction and hands-on training in the Food Processing Center pilot plants for those individuals looking to expand their knowledge in pathogen and indicator –organism environmental monitoring programs.

Recent outbreaks have created a unique need for training for training participants to develop hands-on knowledge in the development and management of environmental monitoring programs. Locations in equipment where product entrapment could occur leading to growth niche development – a major source for pathogen contamination of ready-to-eat foods will be emphasized.

Recent events in the U.S. have created a need to revisit the basics of environmental monitoring while providing advanced instruction in investigation techniques. Deadly pathogens like Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes shows up in food production facilities where post-cooking contamination of product occurs when product is exposed to the facility environment and processing equipment.

Companies are showing a renewed interest in evaluating their environmental control programs regardless of the pathogen of concern and to meet the increased regulatory scrutiny.

This two day workshop is $899.00 per person.

Registration ends June 20, 2019.

Register here:

Additional Public Info:
All participants must pre-register. Walk-ins cannot be accommodated!

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