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9th Annual Antibiotic Symposium: Communicating the Science of Responsible Antibiotic Use in Animal A

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Ames, IA
For the past eight years, a national dialogue focused on the use of antibiotics in food animals and the science surrounding antimicrobial resistance has been hosted by the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA). Antibiotic stewardship and responsible use of antibiotics continue to be top priorities for the animal agriculture industry. This year’s 9th Annual Antibiotic Symposium from the National Institute for Animal Agriculture, in collaboration with the Iowa State University-based National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education (NIAMRRE) in Ames, Iowa, will expand its focus to include not only scientific updates on antimicrobial resistance, but how research, technology and innovation continue to impact what we know, and why communication of science facts to consumers has been less than effective.

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