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South Dakota One Health: Managing Pain in People and Animals

9:00 am – 4:00 pm
USD Health Science Center Room: 106
1400 W. 22nd St.
Sioux Falls SD 57105
This seminar will focus on the efforts that health care providers and veterinarians undertake to prevent and manage pain – acute as well as chronic – in their patients.

Some Questions to be explored:
• How is pain assessed in animals and people?
• What anesthetics and analgesics do veterinarians use when performing surgery on companion animals?
• How are food animal veterinarians and producers using pain management in livestock?
• How has the approach that health care providers take towards pain management changed in the face of the opioid epidemic?
• What is the current state and trends in opioid abuse and overdoses in South Dakota?
• Do veterinarians and health care providers have roles in preventing opioid abuse and overdoses in South Dakota?
This event is free but pre-registration is requested by March 11 for meal planning.

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