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A Week of R at UNL - Workshops

Hosted by the Department of Statistics at UNL

Recurring Date Info:
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege St
Lincoln NE 68583
Additional Info: HARH
These workshops are developed and hosted by graduate students in the Statistics department at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, primarily to assist UNL students and staff with developing R skills necessary for research and data analysis. Individuals from outside the university are welcome to participate. Proceeds from the workshops directly fund graduate student activities.

Register here:

Schedule is tentative and subject to change due to enrollment and lab availability

January 10 9am – 4pm Introduction to R

Learn the basics of R & Rstudio, how to write your own R scripts and get an introduction to the tidyverse. We’ll start with the beginning and quickly get you up to speed with the basic tools of data exploration. You will learn how to import and manage data sets, create R objects, install and load R packages, and how to ask for help in R.

January 11 9am – 4pm Graphics with ggplot2

ggplot2 provides a framework to produce elegant, high-end graphical displays using the Grammar of Graphics. You will learn how to create a wide variety of graphical displays in R. We will use lots of data examples to wok through the basic plots as well as more advanced tools, such as facetting, colors, themes and more.

January 12 9am – 4pm Data Wrangling

This workshop will to prepare you for dealing with messy data by walking you through real-life examples. We will help you to automate cleaning your data, fixing spelling errors, transforming variables, and generating data summaries using the split-apply-combine paradigm. We will also talk about wide and long format data and help you to convert between these formats and to know when each format is useful.

January 13 9am – 12pm Dynamic Documents with knitr and Rmarkdown

Create reports and write papers using R! Let R do the heavy lifting so that you can focus on the content - use R to assemble your data and `knitr` or `rmarkdown` to produce reports which integrate graphs and conclusions from your data automatically. Whether you are writing business reports or journal articles, knitr and rmarkdown are extremely valuable tools to use to make your life easier!

January 13 1pm – 4pm Web Scraping

Read data in from the internet using packages like `rvest`. Learn to navigate HTML and XML structured data files, and convert data stored in these files into tabular data more commonly used in statistical analyses.

January 14 9am – 12pm Interactive web applets with Shiny

Learn how to create interactive, web-based applets entirely within R! The shiny package allows us to create interactive applets for teaching, data analysis, or publication, without requiring knowledge of HTML or JavaScript!. See some of the fantastic applets in the Shiny showcase (, and learn how to create applets of your own in our workshop. This session is designed as a workshop, so bring your data and analysis code, and leave with a Shiny applet! (If you don’t have
data you’d like to use for this, we’ll provide you with some data to play with!

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