All events are in Central time unless specified.

Barnes & Noble BookFair Fundraiser!

9:05 am – 6:00 pm
Barnes & Noble Bookstore
5150 O St.
Come hang out with us! Proceeds to help fund student development opportunities, including research, conference travel, programming and helps supplement our budget to do things we would not other wise be able to do.

9 AM-12 PM—Make Buttons!
12 PM-2 PM—Let Us Do Your Makeup!
2 PM-4 PM—Color With Us!
4 PM-6 PM—Origami!
Can’t make it to the store on Saturday? Visit to support us online from 2/12/16-2/16/16. Enter Bookfair ID—11802840—at checkout. We appreciate your support! (LGBTQA+ Center Staff, Spectrum, The Change)

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