Displaying Event Type: Lecture
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43 results from all calendars matching the selected event type
Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist: Michael Krueger
ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:EAS Stout Lecture: Arianna Varulo-Clarke
Campus Visit
Date:Humanities on the Edge presents: Dr. Nicole Archer
“American Made: Textiles and the Politics of State Violence”
Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist: Margaret LeJeune
ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:ARCH411 Schematic Design Studio Review
Date:ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:A Conversation with Elton McEachin: From Prison to Pardoned
Date:Law and Morality of In-Vitro Fertilization solutions for Infertility and Pregnancy
Date:Hearst Speaker: Ed Young
Date:E.N. Thompson Forum: Ed Yong, ‘The Amazing Nature of Animal Senses’
Seline Lecture: Jeff Zeleny & Aaron Sanderford
Date:Seline Lecture: Jeff Zeleny and Aaron Sanderford
‘Washington: Why All Politics Are Local’
A discussion with a Senior Google Patent Attorney
Date:Institute for Ethnic Studies’ 2025 Spring Celebration
Celebrating 100 Years of Malcolm X, Omaha, & Global Black Freedom: A Conversation with Dr. Erik S. McDuffie
UNL Film Studies Program presents Steven Shaviro
“Of Minerals and Genders: Afrofuturism, Cyberpunk, and ‘Neptune Frost’”
Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist: Vera Ilitova
ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:EAS Stout Lecture: Matthew Sitkowski
Hyde Lecture with Joseph Altshuler
ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:EAS Stout Lecture: Zac Suriano
Humanities on the Edge presents: Dr. Ignacio Sánchez Prado
“The Present is No Horizon: Towards a Humanities of the Past and the Future”
Ferin Davis Anderson: The Culture, Science and Future of Fire
“How Reciprocal Restoration Fosters Cultural Revitalization”
ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:Material Workshop Lecture
Date:2025 Linda and Charles Wilson Lecture in Humanities in Medicine
The Ratio of Mortality: Army Medical Statistics and the Values of Disease
ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:Material Workshop Lecture
Date:Material Workshop Lecture
Date:Global Japan, Global Foods
How Globalization, Empire and Industrialization Shaped Modern Japanese Cuisine
EAS Stout Lecture: M. Bayani Cardenas
ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:EAS Stout Lecture: Jake Mulholland
ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:ARCH 592-004 Designing for the Soundscape
Recurring Date Info:Daniela Spenser Book Talk
A European Family’s Odyssey Through the Hot and Cold War
2025 Carroll R. Pauley Lecture - Phil Clark, SOAS University of London
Rwanda under Kagame: Assessing 25 Years of Welfare, Security and Reconciliation in Rwanda
3L Mandatory Meeting with the Bar Commission
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