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Problem Solving Workshop

9:00 am – 9:30 am
Omaha Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Center
8960 L St. Suite 200
Omaha NE 68127
Nebraska MEP
This interactive training provides supervisors and key employees with a basic overview of the problem-solving process. The training includes problem-solving definition, the benefits of a good process, and provides basic starting points for each participant to develop their problem-solving skills. We will cover PDCA (Plan, Do, Check Act), demonstrate different types of problem-solving tools, how to use them and under what circumstances each tool is best used. Participants will be encouraged to discuss problem-solving situations that they have experienced, what has worked and what was not successful so that skills can be developed and put to use in this classroom environment. We’ll also discuss common mistakes that take place in the process as well as a discussion of critical success factors to make problem-solving a positive experience.

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