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Livestock Risk Management and LRP Updates

Farm and Ranch Management Webinar

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Brad Lubben, (402) 472-2235,
The national Extension Risk Management Education Program and the United States Department of Agriculture are collaborating to deliver a webinar for agricultural producers and professionals focused on livestock risk management. Recent developments and attention to livestock markets, price risk, and the need for better risk management have highlighted the challenges for producers as well as improved tools and opportunities for livestock producers to manage risk.

The webinar will start with an overview of current livestock market and risk management issues with two of the Under Secretaries at USDA, Greg Ibach and Bill Northey. The webinar will then include a panel to discuss livestock economics and marketing as well as the utilization of insurance tools including Livestock Risk Protection to manage price risk.

Information on panelists and to register, go to:

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This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.