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Science presentation with Matthew Wiebe

Intertwined Mitotic and Antiviral Signaling during Poxviral Infection

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
NCV- Morrison Center Room: 169
4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE, USA
Lincoln NE 68583
Target Audiences:
Jessica Weaver, (402) 472-1714,
Please Join us for a Presentation about Intertwined Mitotic and Antiviral Signaling during Poxviral Infection. In the Wiebe Lab we are curious about numerous aspects of pathogen-host interaction and focus on what poxviruses can teach us about this topic. Poxviruses dedicate at least a third of their large genomes to encoding proteins involved in interacting with the host, providing us with an example of how sophisticated a virus can be in altering host function.

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This event originated in Nebraska Center for Virology.