All events are in Central time unless specified.

Managing Cattle Production Risk: Protecting Profits in Uncertain Times

5:30 pm – 8:45 pm
ARDC near Mead
1071 County Rd G
Ithaca NE
Steve Tonn, (402) 426-9455,
With the high volatility in cattle prices and increasing expenses many cow-calf producers have seen margins tighten and profits decrease. Nebraska Extension is presenting a workshop that helps cow-calf producers manage their risk, develop a marketing plan for their calves and add value to their beef production system.

This workshop, “Managing Cattle Production Risk: Protecting Profits in Uncertain Times” will be held at the University of Nebraska Ag Research and Development Center, near Mead, NE on Tuesday, Sept. 20. Sign-in begins at 5:30 p.m. and the program will start at 6:30 p.m.

While attendance is free, pre-registration is required to provide a head count for the meal and program materials. To reserve a spot, you must call the Washington County Extension Office at 402-426-9455 or email NO LATER THAN Monday, September 12.

Nebraska Extension ag economists and educators will provide the program. Jay Parsons, Nebraska Extension Ag Biosystems Economist, and Jim Jansen, Nebraska Extension Educator- Ag Economics, will be teaching participants about livestock risk protection insurance and marketing tools - options and hedging, developing marketing plans for calves and Steve Tonn, Nebraska Extension Educator- Beef Systems, will share ideas on adding value to cowherds and calves.

This workshop is free to the public, through funding provided by the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center and the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. A meal will also be served, courtesy of Mead Cattle Company and Wahoo Livestock Commission. Call the Washington County Extension Office at the number listed above if you have further questions.

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