CAS Inquire
“Imagining Sustainable Futures: What Literature Can do for the Earth”
5:30 pm –
6:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Swanson Auditorium
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Virtual Location:
Webinar ID: 962 5613 4112
Target Audiences:
Sarah Smith,
This talk considers fictional and poetic literary engagement by island writers from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. We first ask: what can imaginative fiction do in the face of extreme weather and climate catastrophe? What is the role of narrative fiction in drawing attention to and facilitating creative solutions to challenges such as climate change, militourism, hydrocolonialism, resource extraction, etc.? How does literature empower us to think creatively about how to construct sustainable futures?
Dr. Julia Frengs is the Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies.
Webinar ID: 962 5613 4112
Registration Link:
Dr. Julia Frengs is the Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies.
Webinar ID: 962 5613 4112
Registration Link: