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CYAF Scholarly Brown Bag Speaker Series: Dr. Elizabeth Niehaus

Humanizing Higher Education Through “Ungrading”

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
CPEH 115
Kaelie Kellner, (402) 472-8209,
Join us for a scholarly brown bag lunch presented by the Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies!

Bring your brown bag lunch. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated a wide array of problems in higher education, but has also provided an opportunity to call into question traditional rules, policies, structures, and procedures that have organized our work. One of these opportunities includes rethinking grading practices from a more humanizing perspective. In this scholarly brownbag discussion, Dr. Elizabeth Niehaus from the Department of Educational Administration will provide a broad overview of the research on the problems with traditional grading practices and will share her own experience with “ungrading” as an alternative.

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