Displaying Event Type: Presentation
Event Type Results
22 results from all calendars matching the selected event type
The Joys and Challenges of Creating a Family Memoir: Neutzner Family Pre-and Post-World War II in the Czech Republic & Germany
Genealogy over Lunch
Voltage-Controlled Spintronics and Fundamentals of Magnetoelectricity in Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnetic Chromia
Thesis Defense
The Rural Voter: The Politics of Place and the Disuniting of America
A virtual and in-person program
The Rural Voter: The Politics of Place and the Disuniting of America
A virtual and in-person program
Courageous Dialogue Workshop
Gain resources to hold a civil conversation
Disagreeing Better: Fostering Meaningful Civic Conversations
Study Abroad at a Glance: Nebraska in Barcelona Summer
Come and learn about Nebraska at Barcelona
Delta Phi Lambda: Philanthropy Presentation
Date:Reviewing Your Syllabus through the Lens of ‘Open’
Open Access Week
Food for Health Gut Group WIP Series - Emerson Nolasco
From the Majumder Lab.
2024-25 Methodology Applications Series
Featuring Jungwon Eum & Amanda Prokasky
Food for Health Gut Group WIP Series - Dr. Hugh McCullough
From the Song Lab.
Study Abroad at a Glance: Nebraska at Oxford
Come and learn about the Oxford program.
Presentation by attorney Kathleen Martinez
Food for Health Gut Group WIP Series - Sarah Eaton
From the Rasmussen Lab.
Race Nebraska and Horsemans Health Update
Date:CYFS at 20: Research that Shapes the Future
Featuring Mark T. Greenberg, Penn State University
Food for Health Gut Group WIP Series - Yafan Yu & Izuchukwu Iwuamadi
From the Piepenbrink & Deehan Labs.
Food for Health Gut Group WIP Series - David Gomez Quintero
From the Ramer-Tait Lab.
Food for Health Gut Group WIP Series - Jordan Hernandez & Mayowa Abiodun
From the Clayton Lab.
2024-25 Methodology Applications Series
Featuring HyeonJin Yoon
2024-25 Methodology Applications Series
Featuring Natalie Koaiol
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