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National Science Teachers Association

All Day
Check website as information is added including location in Chicago for conference.

To help you make the most of the professional development opportunities available at the Chicago conference, the Conference Committee has planned the conference around four strands that explore topics of current significance, enabling you to focus on a specific area of interest or need.

Natural Resources, Natural Partnerships
Sustaining natural resources requires collaborative partnerships among many stakeholders, and science is the key to making smart decisions about resources. Educators and students can engage with environmental groups, agencies, and businesses to build and support a sustainable future. This strand will help teachers identify possibilities and potential partnerships.

Teaching Every Child by Embracing Diversity
All classrooms are diverse. Learners bring a variety of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences to the study of science. Educators must provide opportunities to meet the needs of all students, including English language learners, students with special needs, and those with diverse learning styles and abilities. Successful instructional approaches must address methods, materials, facilities, and partnerships. These sessions will confirm the belief that every student can excel in science.

The Science of Design: Structure and Function
Architecture and engineering provide the infrastructure for human-made systems. Designing for the future requires imagination and a commitment to sustainability. It also involves the crosscutting concepts of structure and function and the practices of science and engineering. Communities like Chicago provide examples of great design and great science.

Student Learning—How Do We Know What They Know?
The goal of every teacher is to maximize student learning. Monitoring learning is the responsibility of both the teacher and the student. To successfully monitor learning requires authentic assessment, including formative and summative strategies. The progressions embedded in the NGSS provide opportunities for students to engage in the practices of science and engineering; these should be assessed through a variety of modalities.

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