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Inclusive Teaching Through Writing

Linguistic Justice and You

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Virtual Location: Linguistic Justice and You
Target Audiences:
Center for Transformative Teaching
In the classroom, instructors work with students from diverse backgrounds whose writing may diverge to a greater or lesser degree from what they tend to expect. Rather than considering this divergence a barrier to student success, this workshop invites participants to consider the benefits of fostering linguistic diversity. This workshop will introduce the framework of linguistic justice and challenge the idea of “Standard American English.” Participants will reflect on their own experiences of learning to write both within and outside academic contexts, and they will explore how they might begin applying principles of linguistic justice toward a more inclusive classroom. Participants will leave with a plan for at least one concrete change they will make to their teaching practices or assignment design with linguistic justice in mind.

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This event originated in Center for Transformative Teaching.