Mermaids & Godmothers: The Fairy Tale Revised
In conversation with Carolyn Turgeon
2:00 pm –
3:30 pm
Andrews Hall
Room: Bailey Library
Carolyn Turgeon will discuss fiction and mythology, fairy tale and feminism, and the role of magic in her novels and in her lifestyle magazine, Faerie (described by the New York Times as: “a mash-up of Medieval, Renaissance and Victorian influences …
Phillip Round - “The Ho-Chunk Red Horn Cycle: Oral Tradition and the Material Text”
3:30 pm –
5:00 pm
Andrews Hall
Room: Bailey Library
Red Horn is just one among many names given to a mythic figure whose iconography appears on material objects across the Mississippian world—from the Ohio River Valley; south to Etowah, in present-day Georgia; and west to Cahokia along the …