Uncommon DH Critic Lecture: Natalie Houston
3:30 pm –
5:00 pm
Andrews Hall
Room: Bailey Library (Room 229)
625 N 14th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: ANDR
Adrian S. Wisnicki, awisnicki2@unl.edu
Natalie Houston is Associate Professor at University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Natalie M. Houston’s current book project, “Distant Reading Nineteenth-Century Poetry,” applies machine learning to uncover the stylistic conventions that structured the market for poetry in the nineteenth century. She is also a Co-Director and Technical Director for the “Periodical Poetry Index,” a bibliographic research database for poems published in nineteenth-century periodicals. Her research has been published in collections such as “Plotting Poetry: on Mechanically-Enhanced Reading” (2021), “The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women’s Poetry” (2019), and “Research Methods for Reading Digital Data in the Digital Humanities” (2016), as well as in journals such as Victorian Studies, Victorian Poetry, and Victorian Review.
Natalie M. Houston’s current book project, “Distant Reading Nineteenth-Century Poetry,” applies machine learning to uncover the stylistic conventions that structured the market for poetry in the nineteenth century. She is also a Co-Director and Technical Director for the “Periodical Poetry Index,” a bibliographic research database for poems published in nineteenth-century periodicals. Her research has been published in collections such as “Plotting Poetry: on Mechanically-Enhanced Reading” (2021), “The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women’s Poetry” (2019), and “Research Methods for Reading Digital Data in the Digital Humanities” (2016), as well as in journals such as Victorian Studies, Victorian Poetry, and Victorian Review.