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CANCELED – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Native Humor but Were Afraid to Ask

Tiffany Midge, Native American Studies Lecture

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Nebraska Union Room: Auditorium
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
James Garza,
What characterizes “Native Humor?” What makes Natives laugh? What are the benefits of Native humor? What are the advantages and uses of Native humor, particularly within today’s world of political activism and social justice? While Native humor is millennia-old and built into our cultures, social media has advanced Native humor in innumerable ways. How do these works fit into the continuum of Native humor, particularly with regards to mainstream humor and popular culture, and its role and influence upon Native humor today.

Tiffany Midge is a citizen of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and was raised by wolves in the Pacific Northwest. A former humor columnist for Indian Country Today, Midge is the author of the memoir Bury My Heart at Chuck E. Cheese’s (University of Nebraska Press) and poetry collections The Woman Who Married A Bear (University of New Mexico Press) and Horns (Scablands Books), forthcoming.

Visit her website below:

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