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Qualitative Research: Flexible Design and the Rigor Needed

1:00 pm
CIRTL Online
Neal Bryan,
Learn why qualitative research is called “flexible” design, why flexibility is needed in qualitative research, and what research rigor looks like in a qualitative context. Understand what it takes to design a qualitative inquiry question and a qualitative research project, and learn the difference between research rigor in quantitative versus qualitative designs.

In this event, you will learn to…
• recognize goodness of fit between research question and method
• create a qualitative inquiry question
• identify the components needed to begin a qualitative project
• discuss methods for judging quality and credibility in qualitative studies.
• recall how the qualitative researcher defines and establishes what is expressed as reliability and validity within a quantitative research study.
• identify the role and purpose of triangulating data.
• recognize the influence of paradigmatic and epistemological beliefs on the researcher
• analyze published studies in the STEM disciplines for evidence of credibility and trustworthiness

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This event originated in Graduate Student Development.