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MEEN Conference


8:00 am – 6:00 pm
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall Room: HLH 111 & HLH 202
730 N. 14th St.
Lincoln NE 68588
Laura Niles, (402) 472-9580,
Hosted at Howard L. Hawks Hall at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Eighth Annual Midwest Engineering Entrepreneurship Network Conference provides a forum for discussing practices and challenges unique to Midwest engineering entrepreneurship centers.

This year, NUtech Ventures, the Nebraska Center for Entrepreneurship, and the University of Nebraska College of Engineering, will host the MEEN Conference.

MEEN was created in 2011 as a result of the Technology Entrepreneur Center (TEC) and the Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE) at the University of Michigan recognizing the value in establishing a network that would provide a forum for sharing best practices and methods for overcoming challenges unique to Midwest engineering entrepreneurship centers.

Why you should attend MEEN:
Learn about Midwest opportunities for I-Corps.
Find how other universities are breaking down the educational silos.
Hear best practices in engineering entrepreneurship from other universities.
Describe a challenge you are having and learn how the MEEN network may help.
We look forward to sharing and exploring new ideas and tackling the common problems we all face.

This conference is open to university administration, faculty and staff. There is no fee to attend this event, but participants are responsible for providing their own transportation and accommodations.

REGISTER at by Friday, July 27.

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This event originated in College of Business.