All events are in Central time unless specified.

Will it sink or will it float?

Science Lesson/ Ag Literacy

10:00 am
Hamilton County Extension Office Room:
Lower Level Courthouse
Suite 6
Aurora Ne 68818
Victoria Jensen, (402) 694-6174,
Looking for an engaging activity geared toward your child/ren during this social distancing, and/or first time navigating schooling at home? Come join Hamilton County 4-H Extension for a science lesson around Ag Literacy TOMORROW (Tuesday, March 24, 2020) morning at 10 AM! We will be hosting a Zoom meeting where we would love to have you participate with us! The lesson will be approximately 30 minutes and is geared toward 8-12 year olds. Younger kids may join as well! They may just need some help from a grown up.

We are going to solve this mystery: Will it sink or float? Make a prediction and test your prediction. Draw some conclusions. Why do some objects sink? Why do some objects float? It has to do with the science of density and buoyancy. Come do science experiments together!

You will need to follow a couple different simple steps to participate.
1. Register for the zoom meeting by clicking on this link —Registration URL:
a. After you register, you will receive an email. At 10 AM tomorrow morning, click on the link that you will find in the email and join in on the fun!
2. Gather your supplies.
a. Large bowl filled halfway with water.
b. 6 items from a selection of produce. EXAMPLES: apple, banana, grapes, baby carrots, pepper, Lemon, cheese, etc. (please know it doesn’t have to be EXACTLY what I have)
c. A piece of paper and a pencil to create prediction charts
(if you have time, you can create this chart before the lesson)
i. ITEM ii. Prediction: Sink or Float? iii. Test #1 Result iv. Test #2 Result

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