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East Campus Drop-in Flu Shot Clinic for Students

9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Nebraska East Union Room: Across from Starbucks
1705 Arbor Dr
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: NEU
Jess Nguyen, (402) 472-7418,
Current UNL students can get their free flu shot by attending the East Campus drop-in flu shot clinic.

Bring these items with you:
- NCard
- Completed 2021-22 Flu Vaccination Form:
- Power of Attorney form (18-year-olds only; if a parent or legal guardian has already submitted this form, you do not need to bring a copy with you):

If you are 17, the Power of Attorney form is not valid until you turn 18, which means you are ineligible to attend a drop-in clinic. However, you can still get vaccinated by making a flu shot appointment at the medical clinic during normal business hours. We will call a parent or guardian at the time of check-in to obtain permission to vaccinate you. Call 402.472.5000 to schedule.

Only students are eligible to attend drop-in flu vaccine clinics. Faculty and staff must make an appointment at the medical clinic by calling 402.472.5000.

Learn more about this year’s flu shot and common questions about the vaccine by visiting

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