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2022 James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities

War and Genocide

9:45 am – 5:00 pm
Colten Skinner,
Join us for this year’s Rawley Graduate Conference either in person or online as we examine the legacies and contemporary realities of imperialism, war, and genocide. On this date, we will have a keynote lecture, two panels, and a workshop. The keynote lecture will be delivered by the acclaimed Holocaust historian, Dr. Omer Bartov. The first panel will explore the Holocaust and genocides in public memory and how the trauma from those events is filtered through public and politicized interpretations, the second panel will delve into the history of anti-war protests over the last century examining their varying cultural and political significances, and the workshop will discuss ways educators can engage students with topics such as genocide and human rights.

You can learn more about our conference’s panels and workshops on our website!

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