All events are in Central time unless specified.

Thursday, April 23


Webinar: USDA Farm Service Agency Program Tools to Assist Producers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ben Herink, Farm Loan Program Specialist, and Doug Klein, Price Support and Conservation Program Chi

12:00 pm
Location: Online
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Department of Agricultural Economics’ Farm and Ranch Management team will present a series of webinars focusing on COVID-19’s impact on agriculture in Nebraska.
This event originated in Agricultural Economics.

China, Trade and Covid-19

A Yeutter Institute Seminar

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Online
Please join us for a webinar on “China, Trade, and Covid-19” featuring David Morfesi, director of international trade at MinterEllison, Australia’s largest law firm, and former international trade advisor for the United States Government with …