Pesticide Applicator Education
Initial Training & Testing
8:00 am –
4:30 pm
Nebraska Extension in Douglas-Sarpy Counties Room: A, B, & C
*** Space is limited to 50 people ***
This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Douglas-Sarpy Counties.
MS Thesis - Daniel Whitesel
Impacts of Irrigation on a Precipitation Event During GRAINEX in the High Plains Aquifer Region
1:30 pm –
2:30 pm
Zoom Webinar
Land use land cover change, including irrigation, impacts weather and climate. In this thesis a precipitation event that occurred during the Great Plains Irrigation Experiment (GRAINEX) is investigated. The event was observed on the morning of 23 …
This event originated in School of Natural Resources.
School of Natural Resources - Coffee and Conservation
Integrating Prairie into Rowcrop Fields
2:00 pm –
3:00 pm
Zoom Discussion
Presented by Tim Youngquist, Agricultural Specialist, STRIPS Program-Iowa State University
This event originated in SNR Seminars & Discussions.
CBC/RBC seminar - Dr. Eranthie Weerapana, Boston College
Chemical-proteomic Strategies to Investigate Reactive Cysteines
4:00 pm –
5:00 pm
via Zoom presentation
Cysteine residues are critical to the catalytic and regulatory functions of diverse proteins including proteases, oxidoreductases and kinases. Although the majority of catalytic cysteine residues are well annotated, the identity and endogenous …
This event originated in Biochemistry.
Block & Bridle Meetings
Recurring Date Info:
7:00 pm –
8:00 pm
Animal Sciences Complex
This event originated in Block and Bridle.