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Webinar: Strategies for Business Success

Dave Goeller

12:00 pm
Ryan Evans,
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Department of Agricultural Economics’ Farm and Ranch Management team will present a series of webinars focusing on COVID-19’s impact on agriculture in Nebraska.

Dave Goeller, Deputy Director of North Central Risk Management Education Center, Farm Management/Transition Specialist, has worked with thousands of producers that were experiencing stressful times, helping them evaluate their business and to make some hard decisions. He will share ideas and a process to help you organize critical business information in a way that will provide structure that will facilitate potential changes and adjustments to the business. No one knows your business better than YOU. Identifying what information is essential and a priority for you can serve as a guide for the decision-making process and moving forward.

Registration for the webinars is free and open to anyone until the start of each meeting at:

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This event originated in Agricultural Economics.