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REACH: Suicide Prevention Training

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
McCollum Hall Room: 111
1875 N 42nd St
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: LAW
Arielle Bloemer
Sign up at: Big Red Resilience & Well-being has implemented REACH, a suicide prevention training to equip UNL students, faculty, and staff to engage in challenging conversations and offer support to Huskers who may be struggling. This training is helpful in both personal and professional settings. The American Bar Association has a website dedicated to suicide prevention and states that lawyers experience depression and substance abuse at higher rates than the general population, and lawyers may be at a greater risk for suicide. REACH training further explores outlines the magnitude of the problem, nationally and locally, and trains gatekeepers to REACH:
Recognize warning signs
Engage with empathy
Ask directly about suicide
Communicate hope
Help suicidal individuals access treatment

Effective suicide prevention requires people to feel comfortable talking about and inviting others to talk appropriately about mental health and suicide. Even though suicide is a highly preventable public health problem, suicide is the second leading cause of death for college students. Together we can reduce the stigma of mental illness. Suicide prevention is a shared campus responsibility.

Participants who complete the 90-minute REACH training become certified gatekeepers and receive a certificate and REACH lapel pin.

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