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3 points in .3 Discussion series with Prof. Michelle Paxton

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
We know lawyers bill time in six-minute increments. In this new virtual program, Nebraska Law faculty and administrators will present different areas of work or research each week, individually only lasting 18 minutes. The presenter will have 12 minutes to present their material, then attendees will have six minutes to ask questions. The series will run each Wednesday from Jan. 20-May 5 in a virtual format.

Prof. Paxton will discuss Advocacy from the Inside Out. If you thought you checked your emotions at the door to study law, you were wrong! Lawyers do have feelings, which left unexamined can negatively impact their work. This session explores how using reflective practice helps participants be mindful of their internal processes and improves their advocacy.
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This event originated in Law Faculty.