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Mathematics Colloquium

4:00 pm
Avery Hall
1144 T St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: AVH
Steve Cohn, (402) 472-7223,
Speaker: Mark Tomforde
Affiliation: University of Houston
Local Host: David Pitts
Title: Using results from dynamical systems to classify algebras and C*-algebras

Additional Public Info:
In the subject of symbolic dynamics, the shift spaces of finite type arise as edge shifts of finite directed graphs. The classification of these shift spaces was used in the 1980s to classify certain C*-algebras constructed from directed graphs, known as Cuntz-Krieger C*-algebras, and moreover, the dynamical systems methods were key ingredients in the proofs. More recently, similar techniques have been used to classify certain algebras constructed from directed graphs, which are called Leavitt path algebras. In this talk I will give an overview of the dynamical systems results, describe how they have led to methods for classifying C*-algebras and algebras, and discuss the current status of these classification programs and existing open problems.

I’ll do my best to keep the talk accessible to a general audience and provide definitions and examples from the different subjects involved (i.e., dynamical systems, functional analysis, and algebra).

Refreshments will be served in 348 Avery, 3:30-4:00. The talk is free and open to the public.

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This event originated in Math Colloquia.