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Seminar w/ Arman Roohi

Enabling Efficient and Reliable Edge Computing: From Device to Architecture

4:00 pm
Samone Behrendt,
Benefits of alternatives to von-Neumann architectures for
emerging applications such as neuromorphic computing and
Internet-of-Thing (IoT) include avoidance of the processormemory
bottleneck, reduced energy consumption, and areasparing
computation. Viable solutions to the challenge of
designing these emerging computing systems span the
interrelated fields of machine learning, computer architecture,
and the potential to leverage the complementary characteristics
of emerging device technologies. This talk covers two of the
most significant applications, including energy harvesting
systems and big data processing.
Energy-harvesting-powered computing offers intriguing and
vast opportunities to transform the landscape of IoT devices
dramatically. These devices require drastically reduced energy
consumption such that they can operate using only ambient
sources of light, thermal, etc. If lightweight embedded
computing could be realized with free and/or inexhaustible
sources of energy, new classes of maintenance-free, compact,
and inexpensive computing applications would become
possible. As a new foundational computing approach to
operate within the energy constraints, it is proposed to
innovate Intermittent-Robust Computation (IRC) leveraging
the non-volatility inherent in post-CMOS switching devices.
The foundations of IRC are advanced from the ground up by
extending Spintronics device models to realize reconfigurable
gates logic approaches and libraries, that leverage intrinsicnon-
volatility to realize middleware-coherent, intermittent
computation without checkpointing, or micro-tasking and
energy overheads vital to IoT. The synthesis and optimization
procedures, as design methodology, instantiate the developed
library cells within standard Register Transfer Language
specifications to generate power-failure resilient VLSI
implementations. Another highly used application is deep
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which has shown
impressive performance for computer vision, e.g., image
recognition tasks, achieving close to human-level perception
rates. The ability of conventional computing platforms to
support memory-oriented computing for processing large
datasets is hindered due to exiting limitations either in the
device, i.e., power wall, or architecture, i.e., memory wall.
Moreover, the processing demands of high-depth CNNs
spanning hundreds of layers face severe challenges in terms of
memory and computation resources, which is crucial for
resource-limited IoT nodes. This issue has been motivating the
development of alternative approaches in both SW/HW
domains to improve conventional CNN efficiency. Therefore,
developing an optimized in-memory processing accelerator for
convolutional layers via algorithm and hardware co-design
approach will be discussed.

Additional Public Info:
Topic: NCMN Seminar w/ Arman Roohi
Time: Nov 11, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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