All events are in Central time unless specified.
Tour/Open House

Pollinator Talks & Tours

9:00 am – 3:00 pm
UNL East Campus Keim Hall Room 150 Room: 150
Directions: Events start from the Backyard Farmer garden east of Keim Hall, 1825 N. 38th St. on UNL’s east campus.
Karma Larsen, (402) 472-7923,
Pollinator talks and tours will focus on pollinator life cycles, preferred plants and ways to attract them to home gardens. Events include tours led by staff from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Entomology, Backyard Farmer, Nebraska Forest Service and Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.
9 a.m. Tour “Nebraska by Heart” installations on UNL east campus, starting from 1700 East Campus Mall
10 a.m. Tour Backyard Farmer garden, 1825 N. 38th Street
11 a.m. Tour Maxwell Arboretum, 1825 N. 38th
* From 10-12 free herbal tea will be available and, for kids, pollinator activities, face-painting and make-your-own antennae.
12 p.m. Brown-bag on monarchs by Shauna Groenewold, Citizen Scientist & Monarch Enthusiast, Keim Hall 150
2 p.m. Tour of Union Plaza pollinator plants starting from 2228 N. 21 St.
The event is part of a Community as Habitat grant funded by the Nebraska Environmental Trust, a beneficiary of the Nebraska Lottery. It is sponsored by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum,, 402-472-2971. Pollinator resources at

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This event originated in Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.