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Magnetoelectric Coupling and Interfacial Effects in Organic Ferroelectric/Metallic Ferromagnetic Het

Graduate Student Seminar

3:30 pm
Jorgensen Hall Room: 149
Presenter: Keith Foreman

Graduate Student Seminar
Graduate students are invited to attend the first Graduate Student Seminar on Friday, January 29th 2016. This reoccurring event will allow graduate students an opportunity to give a brief presentation about either their own research or other interesting publications to an audience of graduate students. Food will be provided! This is an opportunity for graduate students to learn about the work of fellow graduate students and practice their presentation skills in an informal, friendly environment. Graduate students at any stage in their graduate careers are encouraged to attend. However, this seminar series is only open to graduate students; no faculty or postdocs will be present. This first seminar will feature a brief presentation by Nathan Clayburn outlining the purpose and structure of the seminar series. Keith Foreman will then give a talk entitled “Magnetoelectric Coupling and Interfacial Effects in Organic Ferroelectric/Metallic Ferromagnetic Heterostructures”. In the future any graduate student may present; a formal call for abstracts will be announced after the first seminar. Any questions please contact Nathan Clayburn at or Keith Foreman at This event is sponsored by the UNL Physics Department, MRSEC and the AMOP Program of Excellence.

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