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Strain Effects on the Formation and Motion of Skyrmions

Comprehensive Exam

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Jorgensen Hall Room: 207
Physics Department, (402) 472-2770,
Anil Adhikari will present his comprehensive exam topic, “Strain Effects on the Formation and Motion of Skyrmions” via Zoom and in-person.

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Meeting ID: 978 6642 4730
Passcode: 988647

ABSTRACT: Magnetic skyrmions are non-trivial topologically protected chiral magnetic spin textures. Their small size and high velocity make them suitable candidates for spintronic device. Skyrmions driven by electrical current result in Joule heating and skyrmion Hall effect, which hinder feasible device realization. Strain is a promising stimuli for the formation, stabilization, and dynamics of skyrmions. Here I review different forms of strain that may be used to manipulate a wide range of magnetic parameters, including anisotropy constants and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, that are useful in the creation, stabilization, motion and annihilation of skyrmions. Furthermore, the report provides an overview of different techniques used to generate strain (static or dynamic) which help to stabilize and drive the skyrmions. The surface acoustic wave (SAW), a dynamic form of strain, generates strain gradients in small localized regions which can assist the creation and control of skyrmions. Although the creation of magnetic skyrmions by surface acoustic waves has been demonstrated experimentally in asymmetric multilayers, experimental studies of skrymion dynamics using high-frequency surface acoustic waves or strain gradients is less explored. An exploration and future perspective based on high frequency SAW as a skyrmion driver will help in the understanding of the fundamental interaction between strain fields and magnetic textures.

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