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Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference

Building on Something Good

11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Friedhof Building
1270 27th Ave
Columbus NE 68601
Amanda Kowalewski, (402) 329-4821,
The goal of this conference is to foster the development of sustainable communities that contribute to the economic, social, and environmental health and well-being of its people for generations to come. Our aim is to provide a launching pad for the various tools and programs available, assist communities, and nurture and grow entrepreneurs?; provide opportunities for communities to learn from and share best practices?; bring together other partner groups and organizations with resources to assist communities in this endeavor?; build “an army” of communities that are excited about developing their community’s economic capacity; showcase the value businesses have in moving Nebraska’s economy forward; and provide communities with the tools to help grow entrepreneurs and economies at a local level?.

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