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SNR Elevator Speech Contest

7:00 pm
Hardin Hall Room: 107 (Auditorium)
3310 Holdrege St
Lincoln NE 68583
Additional Info: HARH
Mark Burbach, (402) 472-8210,
It is vital to engage the public in the science we do by presenting our work in an understandable and interesting format for non-scientists. The “elevator speech” comes from the business world, where a chance encounter with a potential investor, employer or other VIP on the elevator provides an opportunity to make a brief pitch about yourself or your idea.

The SNR Elevator Speech Contest provides an opportunity to practice presenting your research to non-scientists. There are no props and time is limited. You are allowed one slide for illustration of your topic. You need to have an engaging pitch even if all the research is not complete.

There will also be a Poster Contest with cash prizes organized by the SNR Graduate Student Association.
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