All events are in Central time unless specified.

9/11 National Day of Service

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Nebraska Union Room: Nebraska Union Auditorium
1400 R Street
Lincoln Ne 68588
Center for Civic Engagement, (402) 472-6150,
The 9/11 National Day of service is an event that began in 2002 in remembrance of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. People nationwide gather together on the anniversary of this day and serve their communities to honor the victims, survivors, firefighters and law enforcement personnel who responded to the attacks.

If you would like to honor these individuals, you can register for UNL’s 9/11 National Day of Service scheduled for September 11, 2016 from 2-4 pm. Registration closes on Thursday, September 8th at 4:00 pm.

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This event originated in Community Engagement.