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Japan & Nebraska Agriculture Opportunities for the 21st Century

Presented by Jordan Schlake

2:30 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Room: 301
1505 S St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: GAUN
Kawasaki Reading Room, (402) 472-9427,
Over the past ten years, Nebraska has been the nation’s 5th largest agriculture exporter as American exports of agricultural products have increased tremendously. Japan now purchases over $1 billion of the agriculture products from Nebraska each year. The presentation will discuss the current state of agriculture between Japan and Nebraska and why this country is an important market for this state. In addition, they will also talk about the work efforts by the key players.

Additional Public Info:
Jordan Schlake currently works as the Agriculture Promotion Coordinator with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. He is a graduate ofUNL with a degree in Economics and International Studies.
where he was able to travel to
Japan through UNL’s
partnership with Senshu

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This event originated in Modern Languages and Literatures.