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Helping Trafficked Survivors Discover Their True Identity

Lecture by Leah Jonet Albright-Byrd

7:00 pm
Nebraska Union Room: Auditorium
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Leah Jonet Albright-Byrd, survivor of trafficking, national recognized public speaker and human rights educator, founded Bridget’s Dream, a survivor-led organization that provides comprehensive services to young women who have been commercially sexually exploited. While living her dream as an activist, her passion for speaking and writing grew significantly. Armed with a personal story of victory over darkness, she began to see that was time for her dream to grow. As a leader who understands both the highs and lows of dream pursuits, she now speaks to empower other emerging leaders on her journey to discovering, clarifying, and living their dreams.

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This event originated in Women’s and Gender Studies.