Information Session
What the Health: Beyond the pill
10:30 am –
11:00 am
Birth control isn’t one-size-fits-all. Attend this webinar to learn about all your options, including IUDs, the implant, the shot, birth control pills, emergency contraception, condoms and more.
This event originated in University Health Center.
Relaxing Shodo
Kawasaki Reading Room | OASIS
11:00 am
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: JGMC 302
Join us for some relaxing calligraphy! Students will need to RSVP for a Zoom link and to set up a time to check the Shodo kit. Madoka, director of the Kawasaki Reading Room, will teach the lesson. Then students can email photos of their calligraphy …
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .
Canceled: My Body Is Not a Project
What do you love and appreciate about your body?
12:00 pm –
3:00 pm
Nebraska East Union
Room: Outdoor Plaza
Share what you love or appreciate about your body to help promote body positivity. Canvases will be set up outside the Nebraska Unions on City and East Campuses for students to participate.
This event originated in Well-being Collective.
Canceled: My Body Is Not a Project
What do you love and appreciate about your body?
12:00 pm –
3:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Outdoor Plaza (North side of Union)
Share what you love or appreciate about your body to help promote body positivity. Canvases will be set up outside the Nebraska Unions on City and East Campuses for students to participate.
This event originated in Well-being Collective.
Maternal & Reproductive Healthcare for BIPOC Women
A Cooper Conversation
2:30 pm –
3:45 pm
Willa Cather Dining Complex
Room: Pioneers Room
In roundtable discussions with guest experts, learn about healthcare experiences for BIPOC women and children and efforts to improve equity, access, and care.
This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.
Ace/Aro Affinity Hour
Recurring Date Info:
5:00 pm –
6:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: 234
Sponsored by Spectrum UNL and the LGBTQA+ Resource Center, Ace/Aro affinity hour is a designated space for the asexual and aromantic community on campus to gather around similar or shared experiences. We respectfully ask that only those who identify …
This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.
Around the World Contest
Play begins
6:00 pm –
11:00 pm
Campus Recreation Center
Stop by anytime Intramural Basketball is being played during the contest week to compete. There’ll be an open court for you to shoot your shots.
This event originated in Intramural Sports.
ASUN Senate
Recurring Date Info:
6:30 pm –
8:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Platte River
The Senate is a group of elected officials from all 6 UNL colleges that introduce and vote on legislation pertaining to students in terms of academics, residence life, RSOs, and more. The Senate meets weekly every Wednesday at 6:30 pm.
This event originated in ASUN Student Government.
Ongoing Events
Spinning to Spring Break
All Day
Campus Recreation Center
Maximize your miles spun while competing to win a rally towel hung in the cycle studio and honored for years to come.
This event originated in Fitness.
Lead Climbing Clinic
Climbing Adventure
8:00 pm –
10:00 pm
Outdoor Adventures Center
Come and learn the basics of lead climbing on our on-campus rock wall.
This event originated in Outdoor Adventures.