All events are in Central time unless specified.

Featured Events

Monday, October 16


Holidays for Little Huskers - Signup Period

Recurring Date Info:
All Day
Location: Nebraska Union Room: 340 Target Audiences:
Holiday for Little Huskers is a program providing gifts and personal items annually to the children of UNL students during the winter holiday season - at no cost to parents.
This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.

Fall Colors Hike

Hiking Adventure | Registration Deadline

12:00 pm
Location: Outdoor Adventures Center Target Audiences:
If you need a quick escape from the city, join Outdoor Adventures for a day of hiking around Platte River State Park. With 14 miles of trails to explore, this area offers a chance to relax and unwind from the week. Check out scenic views of the …
This event originated in Outdoor Adventures.