All events are in Central time unless specified.

Capturing Moments in Time: How Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis Can Be Useful in Educational Research

10:00 am – 11:30 am
Target Audiences:
This informal and interactive talk for
Texas State educators and their
students introduces participants to
the growing field of critical
discourse studies and its
multimodal approach (aka MCDA). I
will then walk participants through
some of the tools we can use to
analyze images (together with text)
and why we should do this. Finally, I
will use as an example a study on
the visual representation of dual
language education that illustrates
what a critical multimodal analysis
can look like in the field of education
and what it means for teachers and
teacher educators. The presentation
will conclude with a dialogue about
potential work at Texas State and a
chance to ask questions about doing
this kind of work.

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